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Ţetta segja ţeir á Aftenposten: 

Vulkanutbrudd pĺ Island

Et utbrudd har startet i vulkanen Grimsvötn pĺ Island. Islandske myndigheter gĺr nĺ ut og understreker at det ikke er vulkanen bak fjordĺrets askesky som nĺ har utbrudd.
BBC segir:

Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano starts new eruption

grímsvötn bbc

Iceland's most active volcano, Grimsvotn, has started erupting, scientists say.

The volcano, which lies under the Vatnajokull glacier in south-east Iceland, last erupted in 2004.

In 2010, plumes of ash from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano caused weeks of air travel chaos across Europe.

Officials say the latest eruption is unlikely to cause similar problems, although a flight ban has been imposed around the area.

Volcanic eruptions are common in Iceland, which lies along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that divides the Eurasian and North American continental plates.

Icelandic Meteorological Office geologist Hjorleifur Sveinbjornsson told Reuters that Grimsvotn had thrown a plume of white smoke about 15km (nine miles) into the air.

"It can be a big eruption, but it is unlikely to be like last year," he added.

Iceland's Isavia airport authority said a flight ban of 120 nautical miles had been imposed around the area.



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