Glöggt má hér sjá hve hrikaleg áhrif gosið hefur á flug í Evrópu

Skv  frétt hér að neðan frá Mail Online er hrikalegt hve víðtæk áhrif gosið hefur á flug í Evrópu:


BRITAIN: All airspace closed until at least 0600GMT Sunday (2 a.m. EDT Saturday). British Airways canceling all short-haul flights to and from London airports Sunday.

FRANCE: Paris airports and about two dozen others in northern France will remain closed until at least Monday morning.

GERMANY: All airspace closed until at least 0000GMT Sunday.

SWITZERLAND: Swiss air space remains closed until 1800GMT Saturday.

AUSTRIA: All airspace closed until at least 0000 GMT Sunday, but higher airspace (above 7,500 meters) will be gradually reopened beginning 1800 GMT Saturday.

BELGIUM: Brussels Airlines canceled all flights until noon Monday. Belgian airspace closure until at least 1800GMT Saturday.

HOLLAND: All airspace closed until further notice.
Italy: Airspace in northern Italy closed until 1800GMT Saturday.

SPAIN: Iberia canceled all of its European flights - except those linking Spain with Portugal, south Italy, Greece and Istanbul - until further notice.

NORDICS: All airspace in Sweden and Finland closed until further notice; airspace in Denmark and Baltics closed till at least 0000 GMT. Only airspace in Norway's far north is open. Scandinavian airline operator SAS AB said it has cancelled all flights to and from Denmark, Sweden and Norway for both Saturday and Sunday, except for some domestic flights in northern Norway.

CZECH REPUBLIC: All air space will remain closed at least till Sunday noon.

CROATIA: International airports in the capital of Zagreb and in Osijek, in the east, and those in the western parts of the country were all closed.

SLOVENIA: International airports in Maribor and Portoroz closed.

SERBIA: The country has closed a small strip of its airspace in the north.

BELARUS: All flights banned until at least 1300GMT. At the Minsk National Airport most flights to Europe have been cancelled.

UKRAINE: Kiev's Borispol airport had cancelled all flights until at least 1300GMT.

RUSSIA: About 185 flights from Russian airports are delayed or have been cancelled.

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